How to check various DNS records with Dig?

To check various DNS records is a need for every administrator. Purposes are many to check if you already added a specific record to your DNS, know how DNS propagation is going, get the TTL of a record, etc.

DNS records have their own objectives. In any case, the Dig command can be very useful for you.

10 Most used Dig commands

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Why is the MX record essential?

DNS records are critical for the Domain Name System to work without problems. They all accomplish different tasks. Missing or mistaking a single DNS record configuration will certainly cause problems. Let’s see how essential the MX record is.

What’s the MX record for?

The mail exchange or MX record is in charge of storing the necessary information to know which mail server must get the emails traveling to a specific domain name.

Can you guess the number of emails that are sent every hour via the Internet? And how all of them can be delivered to their correct recipient? 

How to create a DNS MX record?

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Understanding the CNAME record

The topic of our article today is the purpose of the CNAME record. We will discover today why it is essential and how to check it. So, don’t waste any more time, and start this adventure.

CNAME record – Definition

The name of the CNAME has two components. The letter C stands for canonical, and it indicates which domain name is the true one for the one you’re trying to resolve. The NAME is self-evident. Name, as in hostname, is what it stands for.

The CNAME record’s function is to point one hostname to another. So, you can use the domain name to point to different subdomains. You won’t need to create any other records for the subdomain as that will instantly refer to the domain name.

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What affects the DNS propagation?

What is DNS propagation?

DNS propagation is a complex process for updating any new changes in the Domain Name System (DNS). In addition, it distributes them all over the network. 

Constant changes on the DNS are required frequently, especially if you own a business online or manage a network. Some of the possible scenarios are adding, deleting, updating a DNS record. In another case, you could want to change a particular TTL (Time-to-Live) value, include an SSL certificate, or redirect your visitors to a subdomain. Maybe, you want to route your email. There are a lot of circumstances that could occur and require DNS modification.

How much time does DNS propagation usually take?

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DNS cache: What is stored inside it?

DNS cache is our topic today. We will see its primary purpose, why it is beneficial, and how to delete it. Let’s start.

What exactly is DNS cache?

The DNS cache is a temporary cache memory used to save Domain Name System records for domain names that have already been requested. This memory system can be found in a variety of equipment, including DNS recursive servers, PCs, mobile phones, and tablets.

The technique’s objective is clear: it is not to perform a DNS query every time a certain domain name is requested. Consider the news site you visit every morning. When you initially requested it, a DNS lookup was performed to find its matching IP address. A Recursive server could load the domain for you once it received its IP address, and the record was cached in the DNS cache. The next day, you typed the news domain name again, and it loaded easier and faster for you because its IP address was stored in the DNS cache. This time, a new DNS lookup was not required.

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Recursive DNS server: Why is it important?

Do you know who to thank every time you successfully reach a website? First, to the domain name system (DNS) and then to a recursive DNS server. The DNS involves a lot of components (protocols, servers, DNS records, etc.), and all are critical for DNS processes to work precisely and efficiently.

Today let’s talk about the Recursive DNS server and its importance!

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IPv6 address: The future or already the present?

When it’s about technology development, time passes with light speed! Based on the advances a device or protocol can achieve from a previous version to the newest, a year or two can seem like an old past. 

But there’s another side in this story, “adoption”. Yes, different factors can intervene for technology’s quick or slow adoption.

This is the story of the IPv6 address, a useful and advanced technology you should know!

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What is TTL and how to use it?

Time is a key business asset that shouldn’t be neglected. Efficiency managing time directly reflects on productivity and money you can make. That works in all fields, computing and networking included!

What is TTL?

TTL or time to live is a mechanism for limiting the data lifetime or the number of times they can hop in a network or a computer. When the time set up for data to be alive expires, meaning it points zero seconds remained, those data will be discarded by machines (computers, routers, etc.). 

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Nslookup command: definition and examples

Nslookup command- definition

Nslookup command is a commonly used network administration tool with a simple command-line interface (CLI). When we take a look at its name, “ns” stands for the nameserver, and “lookup” is for querying it. It is mainly used for searching the corresponding IP address to a specific host. Moreover, it is a great tool for Reverse DNS Lookup, which is the process of finding the domain name behind an IP address.

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